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Our Activitys


Our institution is dedicated to programmes related to education and social welfare as well as awareness. we are doing many activities regarding the above mentioned subject. We would like to undertake more of such activities and many more new ones. Here is an overview of our activities for your kind consideration. Shree Brahmanandji District Community Science Center- Junagadh will undertake various activities regarding subjects like science, mathematics, environmental studies, health and nutrition, energy and our resources, studies related to geography and space as well as programs for the prevention of superstitions and addiction.

Environmental study

The centre will also carry out many programs related to environmental study and environment care. Such programs will include lectures and seminars organized for the awareness of environment, Biodivercity and delivering guidelines to take care of environment and trees as well as informative programs for the nature of flora and fauna.


At community science centre we try to give information regarding natural resources of energy as well as try to make people understand its importance as well as the role it plays to facilitate our life. Thus, we also teach them the ways of saving energy and make use of our resources wisely and delimiting its use.

Programs for Teachers

Success of the educational process depends on the quality, commitment and expertise of the teachers. This dependence is further enhanced due to the growing as well as changing needs of the children and the frequent changes in curriculum and teaching methodology. Therefore, the training of teachers themselves becomes critical. For popularization of Science and Technology teachers are good medium. They can prepare students for the non co-curriculum activities we organize such programs for teachers.

* Teachers Training programs
* Seminar for Teachers
* Guidance for Science fair and science exhibitions
* Workshops for teachers
* Trainings on different events
* Programs for Adults.


Apart from many programs that are conducted right now we would like to organize and carry out various newer scientific experiments and practices, so as to endow students with up to date knowledge as well as facilitate their study. We also organize many Science Seminars, Science Quiz, Science Dramas, Science Study Tours, Energy Tours, Krushi Sibir And Etc..

Popular Lectures

The popular science lecture aims to bring awareness among the young students, parents, teachers and the media persons about the fascinating world of basic sciences and its promising future. The program deals with topics on frontier areas of science and technology for the spreading of knowledge and awareness among the students as well as the public at large.

Programmes for Community

In the year 2003-04, a group was ready to work at Gujarat on development of scientific temper and a beginning was made to remove belief in miracle and Superstition etc. known as “Andhashradha” In this one has to come in confontration with sadhus, Tantriks etc. etc. To avoid this, it was thought desirable to spread knowledge of science to explain various tacties adopted by propagonist of Andhashradha. Apart from this, it was observed that Science and Technology was entering everyday life and would spread in 21st Century and for this, interest in science subjects for students of this generation was necessary as the same was decreasing and schools were finding dearth of students in science streams. Science was taught in the classroom on black board and on the basis of the syllabus and students found the same difficult and dull. This was not true as Science is interesting and is in daily life.

Rural programs

We conduct rural programs in many fields. Programs for removal of superstitions in rural area are our prime thrust area. We conduct experiments that are similar to magic tricks & reveal science behind it. We also build capabilities in village people and students to do same experiments and to remove doubts and fake superstitions.

There are many wrong concepts regarding eclipse, snakes, diseases, ideas about hygiene etc. So we help people to get correct information about these misunderstood concepts.

Weprovide guidance to develop school science club & groups to do scientific awareness programs at village level. Special programs are designed to suit the need of rural area like garbage management, safety in kitchen and agriculture etc.

GUJCOST annually assists financially and otherwise in the development and working of the center.

Event celebration

India is a country of festivals. Two dozens of days are celebrated for creating science awareness in people like Ozone day, World environment day and National Science day. Some days are celebrated in respect of great scientists.


Removing the superstition from the rural India and making them aware about the environmental, energy, health issues in happenings by the lectures, seminars and public rally.

For the prevention of Superstitions and Addiction
We are trying and in future will try our best to enlighten people through endowing them with the knowledge of science and thus removing superstitions automatically. For this purpose we will arrange many programmes which include practical demonstrative method to solve the doubts of people in the rural as well as urban areas. We have and always will denounce all kinds of addiction and in order to remove it from our society, we are planning lectures and seminars by calling medical experts to make them aware of the adverse effects of tobacco, liquor, cigarette, etc on their health.


Campaigns against the HIV-AIDS in the college and community to aware them for the Early detection & prevention. Guide them towards Healthy Eating, Hygienic habits , Tobacco, Smoking.


Workshops conducted at csc are hands on training for students. Wherein they can prepare scientific models, understand principles, applications etc. These creative and participatory learning ignites curiosity to do experiments and understand a phenomenon. Generally they are o f extra curricular as well as curricular nature which would serve as a support education to them. We also design special teachers training where in teachers from urban , rural or tribal area are given special extra support curricular practical training, adding to their capabilities, designing & preparing teaching aid materials and problem solving. Upgrading the teaching methodologies of Science through the model making workshops, know your water, energy awareness & Nano technology workshops.

Space Study and Sky Shows

As knowledge regarding our universe and space is deteriorating day by day specially in rural areas, we are very much concerned to provide qualitative and latest knowledge with the use of equipments we possess. We have material resources like telescope, LCD projector, overhead projector and so on. We will fully utilize them to organize demonstrative programmes in rural as well as urban areas.

Rocketry Workshop

These workshops aim to train students in the designing of model rockets. Students deals with the principal of rocket and make different designs to get maximum hight. Students knows process of fabrication and working of the rockets and their engines. Students make their models/designs in group or individually and launch. They measures the hight of the rocket using trigonometry and the highest hight gainer gets awarded. Rocket Principal, Designs, Single stage rocket, Double stage rocket, Parachute rocket, Calibration, Launching the rocket, Lanching rocket with remote control, Measuring hight of rocket.

Aero modeling Workshop

In aeromodeling club and workshop children makes model aircrafts with the raw materials which is easily available. They can know the basic principals of flight, how airoplane can fly? and how aerofoil works. They make models with paper and the scale models with BALSA wood. Our volunteers from Aironotical engineering and Pilots explains the children about the aerodynamics principals. We have made aircraft with methanol engine. Our resource persons explains children their aircraft designs and show them its flight. We also conduct public Airshows where community can see and know the areromodels.

Electronics Hobby Workshop

Science Centre conducts the electronics hobby workshop to clear the concepts of the electronics. The electronics components and their use are displayed with models and circuits. Students knows the working of circuits, LED, diode , capacitor and the measuring instruments. Using multimeters to measure electrical quantity and soldering the circuits. Our experts teaches them the Ohms laws and the effect of current on magnatic field flowing through wires. Projects and simple circuits used to teach them like clap switch, water level controller, fire alarms, doorbell and the electro magnatic train and making simple electric motor. Concepts of robotics are awared to them and wireless robotic machines are displayed to them. electronics principals, Ohms law, measuring curent, voltages , resistance and capacitance using multimeter, home made fire alarm, musical doorbell, FM receiver, water level indicator, rectifier, clap switch, Electromagnatic Train, electric motor, Robotics.

Science model making workshop

The NCSC has been helping out students to perform experiments with models and by making them. This programme is conducted in vacations. Students are explained the principals of the science with the simple models. They make their own models like periscopes and hovercrafsts to understand its principal of working. This programme has been most beneficial to school students in fulfilling their school projects.


Conducting programs to aware community towards Global Warming ,Climate Changing and ozone layer global issues and the local issues of Air-water pollution with government and non-government agency support.

Environmental Programs

Environmental Education Programs are designed for those intending to teach in public and private schools, institutions of higher education, nature centers, outdoor education programs, parks and recreation programs, government programs. Emerging scientific research drew new attention to existing and hypothetical threats to the environment and humanity. An environmental issue is the negative aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment. Environmentalism, a social and environmental movement that started in the 1960s, We are working for the awareness in the students, teachers and different groups of community about the environmental issues and conservation. We conduct different activities in schools as well as on special occasions.

Environmental Issues

Climate change - Global warming, Energy conservation, Renewable energy, Efficient energy use , Renewable energy commercialization, Land pollution, Light pollution , Noise pollution, Acid rain , Air pollution, Plastic waste, recycling, Ozone layer depletion.

• Main Activities
• Echo Clubs
• Earth day
• World Environment Day
• Ozone Day
• Clean Up the World
• Nature Camps

Different Activities Covered In Environmental Programs

• Workshop /Training course / Camp
• Public meeting / Rally / Jatha / Padayatra
• Lecture / Film show / A-V show
• Drama / Street Play / Other Folk Media
• Competition / Exhibition / Demonstration
• Advertisement / Poster / Banner Campaign
• Distribution of resource material regarding project (publication, educational kits, posters, audio visuals, etc.)
• Recycling And Resource Recovery
• Tree Planting
• Education Campaigns
• Water Reuse and Conservation
• Competitions
• Exhibitions
• Fix Up Projects.

Kitchen Chemistry

Kitchen: a room or part of a room or building in which food is prepared and cooked. Generally we know it as above defination but we can say that its a laboratory. Every activity or process of cooking has a scientific reasons. Participants knows this reasons like why pressure cooker is more efficient? how bacteria can help in cooking? They can know how food can be preserved to store for long time using household chemicals. They are also awared to save the energy using solar cookers. Women shares their recipes and technics to use Solar Cookers. They are also guided to buy solar cookers at subsidy rates. advance cooking technics, preserving food for long time, chemical reactions in cooking, saving energy, using solar cooker.

Vacation Programs

The students have lot of unused energy & time during vacation which is not only channelized but making science learning as an exciting experience which would flood the fun in them.Here, 3-5 days separate programs on each topic of the interest of child is selected by him/her. We offer 14 varieties of programs in summer May-June.The focus is given not only on learning component of science but feeling it as an interesting experience as well e.g. making chemistry as fun, electronic toy making, aero modeling, model rocketry, science experiments, computer graphics, vedic math,rapid puzzle solving in maths,etc.

School Group Visits

CSC has many interactive science exhibits with which children can play & learn, ask questions & enjoy the science in our halls based on various themes. The schools of Junagadh city, Municipal school & schools of rural and tribal area are encouraged and invited to visit our centre.The Govt. education department & municipal education department consider visit to CSC as an educational tour. Many schools being accompanied by their science teachers visit the centre to study models & exhibits, see films on science topics and demonstrate experiments.No fees are being charged to visit the centre. We also take educational kits to those schools where there is no facilities to perform experiments and we demonstrate experiments to them, especially to municipal schools & rural and tribal area schools.

Other Programs

• Vigyan Jagruti
• Food Adulteration Detection Workshops
• Superstition Eradication Workshops
• Celebration Of Various Days
• Science Unit Development & Enrichment Workshops
• Environmental Awareness Program
• Clean Up The World Program In Association With Cuw Australia
• Popular Lectures & Science Film Shows
• National Level Science Competitive Examinations
• Career Guidance Seminars
• Women\'S Programme
• Different Science Competitions

Celebration of Scientific Days

1        World Wetland Day        2nd February
2        National Science Day        28th February
3        World Forestry Day        21st March
4        World Water Day        22nd March
5        World Meteorological Day        23rd March
6        World Health Day        7th April
7        Astronomy Day        21st April
8        Earth Day        22nd April
9        International Thalassemia Day        8th May
10        National Technology Day        11th May
11        World Telecom Day        7th May
12        Ozone Population Day        11th July
13        Environment Day        5th June
14        World Population Day        11th July
15        Ozone Day        16th September
16        World Habitat Day        1st October
17        Wild Life Week        October 1st – 7th
18        World Space Week        October 4th – 7th
19        National Disaster Reduction Day        10th October
20        World Food Day        16th October
21        World Science Day For Peace And         Development        10th November
22        World AIDS Day        1st December
23        National Energy Conservation Day        14th December
24        Birth Anniversaries Of Scientists        -